PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is an open-source, object-relational database management system designed to be highly extensible and SQL-compliant. It is widely used for managing and storing data in applications, especially web-based applications, and has a reputation for being highly reliable and robust. Postgres supports a wide variety of data types and includes advanced features such as full-text search, data replication, and support for JSON and XML data. It can be used on a variety of platforms and is popular for its strong support for concurrency, transactions, and indexing. Whether you're a developer, database administrator, or data analyst, Postgres has the tools you need to manage and analyze your data.
Use the PostgreSQL Connector to Integrate your Database with Salesforce. Using this Connector, your can connect to, and sync your external Database with your Salesforce Org to suit your own business model and processes.
Go to the Job creation screen and select your Database as the source.
You can then choose from all of the columns in your Table and complete all the steps such as Mapping and Cleaning.