How to complete a Salesforce to Salesforce Migration

Sam Hoult
May 26, 2024
Using, you can Migrate Data directly from one Salesforce Org to another, without the need to download CSV files. Use the Salesforce to Salesforce connector to migrate records, including the ability to filter records, use lookup relationships, formula fields, and deduplication. Read this guide to see how you can get set up and migrating within 10 minutes.

A Salesforce to Salesforce Migration can be a complex process, but with careful planning and execution, it can be done smoothly. Using Dataimporter, you can migrate all Standard, and Custom Objects including but not limited to:

- Files & Attachments

- Tasks

- Emails

- Managed Packages

Here are the key steps involved:

1. Register for Dataimporter if you haven't already

2. Connect your Instances

Make sure you have connected the two Salesforce Instances that you want to Migrate Data to/from. Head over to the Instances page and make sure you see the two Instances available. If not, click on Login to Production or Login to Sandbox to make the connections.

3. Create the Job

Head over to the Jobs page and click on New Job. Fill in the Name, choose your Target Instance, Source Instance, and the Operation. The Target Instance is the Salesforce Org that you want to Import Data into, and the Source Org is where the Data should be coming from. Once you have filled in these fields you can click next.

4. Choose the Objects

Choose the source and the target Objects that you wish to Migrate. These do not have to be the same in each Org.

5. Map the fields

Here is where you tell Dataimporter which source data should be migrated. On the left you will see every standard and custom field listed, and beneath you will see all of the Lookup Relationships as well. On the right side, are all of the Target fields which you can select to make sure that they will be included in the Mapping. To ensure that all of the Relationships are moved across make sure you make the Lookup Relationships using a key that is available in both orgs. Once you have mapped all the fields that you want to migrate, click on Next.

6. Clean your Data

Choose your cleaning rules such as Replacing Null Values, Deduplication, or creating an SOQL Filter. Use the filter to only select specific records from your source org. Some examples are selecting by a field being populated, a specific record type, or any other logic that you require.

7. Preview your Data

Here you can see a preview of the Source fields you have mapped, 3 example records, and the target field mappings. Any SOQL filters you selected in the previous screen have been applied to the preview so you can check whether the logic is working as expected. Once you are happy with the Mappings, click on Submit to decide how you would like to run the Job.

8. Run the Job

You can choose to either Run the Job straight away, or schedule it to Run on a regular basis. All of the Mappings, Deduplication, and SOQL Filters you have chosen will be remembered either way, so you can always come back to the Job at a later stage. If you want to run the job now, then you can click on Run Now.

9. View the Results

Once the Job has finished running you can view the result files, and check whether they worked as you expected.

Need to migrate multiple objects at once as part of a Salesforce to Salesforce Migration?

Use Dataimporter's Migration Templates to migrate multiple objects, with automatic lookup relationships and hierarchies. Choose all of the objects that you would like to migrate and Dataimporter will automatically map common fields across orgs, and create the lookup relationships automatically. Migration Templates gives you full flexibility to migrate all the objects that you require, and saved a lot of time compared with migrating individual objects, one at a time.

As you can see, it's very easy to set up and Org to Org Migration, as either a one-off Job or a regular sync and use the features of Dataimporter such as Lookup Relationships, SOQL Filters, and Deduplication. Sign up for Dataimporter to give it a try yourself!

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